1 to 30 Square Root | List of Square Root 1 to 30

1 to 30 Square Root

If you are going to read 1 to 30 Square Root on this page, then definitely read this article completely.

We have shared the Square information on the previous page, so read that article as well. Let us read and understand the information about 1 to 30 Square Root today.

1 to 30 Square Root

Square 1 to 30 is the list of squares of all the numbers from 1 to 30. The value of squares from 1 to 30 ranges from 1 to 900.

Memorizing these values will help students to simplify the time-consuming equations quickly. The square 1 to 30 in the exponential form is expressed as (x)2.

Square 1 to 30

  • Exponent form : (x)2
  • Highest Value : 302 = 900
  • Lowest Value : 12 = 1

1 to 30 Square Root

1 to 30 Square Root

Square Root 1 to 30 Solved Examples

Example 1. Simplify the expression : 2√16 + 4.

Solution : Given expression : 2√16 + 4.
We know that √16 = 4.
Substituting the value in the given expression, we get
2√16 + 4 = 2(4) + 4
2√16 + 4 = 8 + 4
2√16 + 4 = 12
Hence, the simplified form of the expression 2√16 + 4 is 12.

Example 2. Simplify the expression: (2√14 × √14) + 10.

Solution : Given expression: (2√14 × √14) + 10
(2√14 × √14) + 10 = [2(√14)2] + 10
(2√14 × √14) + 10 = [2(14)] + 10
(2√14 × √14) + 10 = 28 + 10
(2√14 × √14) + 10 = 38
Hence, the simplified form of the expression (2√14 × √14) + 10 is 38.

Example 3. Find the value of a, if 4√3 + a = 20.

Solution : Given equation: 4√3 + a = 20 …(1)
We know that √3 = 1.732
Now, substitute the value in equation (1), we get
⇒ 4(1.732) + a = 20
⇒ 6.928 + a = 20
⇒ a = 20 – 6.928
⇒ a = 13.072
Hence, the value of a is 13.072.

Must Read :

Hope you have liked the information about 1 to 30 Square Root. If you liked this information, then definitely read this article completely.

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